Skulptur i Pilane 2023
Skulptur i Pilane 2023


Pilane is nature’s own art gallery, eight hectares of a beautiful cultural landscape where you are free to roam in the open. See the iconic work Anna by Jaume Plensa, meet grazing sheep, wander across burial grounds thousands of years old, experience art, history and panoramic sea views.

Participating artists 2024: Laura Ford, Andrew Sabin, Moa Israelsson, Lenny Clarhäll, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Maria Miesenberger, Tony Cragg, Ann Wolff, Pål Svensson, Mats Lodén, Ida Koitila, Anna Fasshauer, Joel Danielsson, Sofia Olofsson and Jaume Plensa. (rotate for landscape orientation):

Forced to a Change

Maria Miesenberger Forced to a Change


Lenny Clarhäll Snitt


Pål Svensson Slits

My Little Marini

Laura Ford My little Marini

Go Gone

Moa Israelsson Go Gone


Ann Wolff Kajan

Plastic Cast of a Cut Down Tree

Joel Danielsson Plastic Cast of a Cut Down Tree

Armoured Boys

Laura Ford Armoured Boys

Homo Giganteum

Ida Koitila Homo Giganteum

The Puff of the Pastry

Andrew Sabin The Puff of the Pastry


Tony Cragg Pool


Anna Fasshauer Cancan


Jaume Plensa Anna

Hortus Colclusus

Sofia Olofsson Hortus Conclusus

Iron Figures

Mats Lodén Iron Figures

Pilane gravfält

Pilane gravfält

The Pilane gravesite is one of the largest in Sweden set in a stunning landscape. Read about the history of Pilane. The site is also well-known for its unique flora and fauna stemming from ancient times.


Skulptur i Pilane 2022

Zygaena filipendulae

Skulptur i Pilane 2020

Ajuga pyramidalis


58.02978, 11.55597

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May 17 — September 28

Pilane is nature’s own art gallery, eight hectares of a beautiful cultural landscape where you are free to roam in the open.
See the iconic work Anna by Jaume Plensa, meet grazing sheep, wander across burial grounds thousands of years old, experience art, history and panoramic sea views.

Participating artists 2024: Laura Ford, Andrew Sabin, Moa Israelsson, Lenny Clarhäll, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Maria Miesenberger, Tony Cragg, Ann Wolff, Pål Svensson, Mats Lodén, Ida Koitila, Anna Fasshauer, Joel Danielsson, Sofia Olofsson and Jaume Plensa. Find more about each artist and artwork in the presentations.

 by Peter Lennby

Pool by Tony Cragg

"Sculpture is important. It’s not just decoration. It helps us to think about the world.”

Tony Cragg

 by Peter Lennby

Anna av Jaume Plensa

”I believe that the most important things in life are always invisible; connections that embrace our body in its mysterious relationship with nature and community.”

Jaume Plensa

 by Peter Lennby

”Om att i full tillit till sig själv - och andra - ha modet att våga hoppet. Ta språnget ut i det okända, även om du inte vet hur det ska gå. Att våga hoppas, känna tilltro att det skall ordna sig. Inte tappa hoppet om förändring och utveckling.

Om att övervinna motståndet, ta sig över det, komma vidare, ta risken. Att i ständig rörelse och lekfullhet utvecklas som människa.

Om process, rörelse, mod och acceptans.”

Maria Miesenberger

 by Peter Lennby

 by Peter Lennby

 by Peter Lennby

 by Peter Lennby

 by Peter Lennby

Cancan by Anna Fasshauer

"Sculpture as a manifestation of thought in its pre-articulation state: I think of my sculptures as notations in three-dimensional form for a musical score or a notation for a movement in a slapstick performance. The question of abstraction or figuration, as it is often asked, does not matter to me. The important thing is to tickle the brain and provoke associations in the viewer's mind. That would be ideal.

"My work originates as new, clean, flat sheets and straight rods of aluminum, fresh from the factory. In a process of destruction I work this material into sculptures. The destruction is taking place by ruining the original state of its flatness and straightness, by bending, bumping, denting, rolling.”

Anna Fasshauer


12.000 år years ago. Pilane was covered by a one-kilometer thick blanket of ice.

10.000 år years ago. Some of the ice sheet had melted and the high sections of Pilane stood above water. Reindeer hunters followed flocks of reindeers grazing at the edges of the inland ice.

4.500 år years ago. Farming Stone Age. Traces of seasonal settlements can be found where the parking area is situated today. Among other things, there have been finds of Funnel beaker pottery – ornate and very beautiful. Enormous shell banks were created, giving Pilane the calcium soil that has enabled today’s rich variety in species.

3.000 år years ago. Bronze Age. Ceramic artefacts have been found near today’s parking area, which was a beach back then. The nearby rock carving with 15 ships dates back to this time.

2.000 år years ago. A large settlement was active at Pilane. The grave sites contain about 90 visible graves dating back to 500 BC - 1000 AD. The graves date from the Roman Iron, and the Migration Age. There are also stone circles known as "Judges Rings" used as court loci.

Present. Archaeological excavations have revealed that Pilane was not just a settlement and burial place, but furthermore a social and cultural meeting place. Pilane's function as a meeting place is also the focus today. In the prehistoric grave-field surroundings, the sculpture exhibition has been displaying art works by leading artists from all over the globe since 2007. New works of art are presented each summer.

Sculpture in Pilane is a private, independent and non-commercial initiative run by Pilane Heritage Museum.

Member of:

Pilane Skulpturpark är medlem i ICOM International Council of Museums Sweden

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